√100以上 ds lite gba 817590-Ds lite gba full screen
Jun 08, 11The only way you could trade from a GBA cartridge to another GBA cartridge is by using a link cable to Connect two GBA's DS wireless only functions with DS games, which have these wireless connection capabilities programmed in If you're worried that the pokemon on the GBA cartridge will be forgotten, you can use the Pal Park in the DS gamesMay , Nintendo DS Lite Giratina Edition A white DS Lite released only in Japan and Europe It has Giratina on the front It was bundled with Pokémon Platinum VersionIt is only available for Daisuki Club Members only Pikachu Edition A yellow DS Lite released in Japanese Pokémon Centers only via a lottery It was also later released in EuropeFeb 18, 11GBA SP is smaller but the DSLite has a crisper/brighter screen, and will last longer batterywise, also the DSLite has a headphone jack, the SP does not There are other minor cosmetic reasons, but yeah DSLite is superior to SP #2 Feb 13, 11 Deleted Newbie 13 Ds Lite Mod Ideas Ds Lite Gameb...